Florida enacts legislation safeguarding future drone ports

Florida has enacted legislation safeguarding future drone ports. Amendments to Florida's Unmanned Aircraft Systems Act in 2023 prevent municipalities from discriminating against drone ports during permitting and approval processes. Specifically, local governments may not withhold a development permit, business tax receipt, or other use approval to a drone delivery service. They also may not enact or enforce ordinances or resolutions which prohibit a drone delivery service based on the location of its drone port. While municipalities retain the right to enforce general zoning regulations, this legislation removes key barriers to the development of drone delivery infrastructure. This is a step in the right direction as drone services have the potential to alleviate congestion, reduce pollution, and enhance overall transportation efficiency.

For information on drone issues and drone law reach out to attorneys Zaida McGhee and Tyler Hazen at dronelaw@angulomcghee.com.


Balancing Drone Proliferation and Public Concerns